Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
four school students sitting on a bench outdoors


The Prep Department at The Manor encompasses Years 3 to 6. The children cover a broad and challenging curriculum, enriched with residential trips, outings, sporting opportunities, exploration of the Arts and a host of clubs to take part in. These activities contribute to each child’s resilience and personal development allowing them to become well-equipped for the future. We take great pride in preparing the Year 6 children thoroughly for their senior school exams which take place in the Autumn and Spring terms of their final year.

Hello and welcome to Years 3 and 4!

I have always been impressed with the warmth and sense of family that The Manor encompasses. It is an outstanding place of learning which lets children be children and we are dedicated to developing well-rounded individuals. It is a privilege to work with young people and be part of their childhood.

Our fantastic Years 3 and 4 team aim to create a happy, creative, challenging and stimulating learning environment. I believe children should be encouraged and feel secure to take risks, but also understand that making mistakes is a key part of the learning process. It’s why there are rubbers on the end of pencils, after all! By creating a kind, caring environment the children will be enthused by their education, establish a desire for lifelong learning and develop their own self-belief. We encourage children to find their own strengths, whatever they may be. Inclusivity, resilience, respect, adaptability and celebration of difference is key.

Jennifer Shaw
Head of Year 3 and 4

Hello and welcome to Years 5 and 6!

I believe that every child should have the best experience of school; one in which they feel happy, safe and valued by their teachers as individuals. The ethos of The Manor expresses this perfectly – a school where the children are challenged, cherished and inspired. Children are encouraged to take risks and understand that making mistakes is a key part of the learning process. By creating this kind, caring environment the children are enthused by their education and develop a desire for lifelong learning.

I am incredibly lucky to have a fantastic team of teachers who take great care to provide opportunities for the children to flourish in all aspects of their school lives. As the children reach this important stage in their schooling, they are encouraged to work hard to achieve their goals, whilst retaining a broad variety of interests and extra-curricular activities, to respect others, challenge themselves and above all…have fun!

Neil Jackson
Head of Years 5 and 6

Where Next

Go Team Green!

We are thrilled to announce that The Manor has been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag with distinction!