Challenge. Cherish. Inspire.
Co-educational Prep School


School Fees

Fees at The Manor currently include all books, lunches, snacks, most equipment and all educational visits which take place during the school day. Wraparound care for children aged 3+, from 8:00am to 5:30pm, and the majority of our extra-curricular clubs are also included.  Individual instrumental lessons, instrument hire, residential trips (Years 4, 5 and 6) and specific additional educational support (for example for SEND or EAL pupils) are considered extras.  For more information, please contact the Bursary – email or call 01235 858458.

Our Fee Sheet for 2024-2025 is included below.

The Manor offers 15 hours of early years funding via the Government’s Early Education Funding scheme for 3 and 4 year olds; this is reflected in our two tier fee structure for Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception.  Please email Mrs Nicole Burroughs or call 01235 858462 to find out how this could benefit your child for up to a maximum of 15 funded hours each week.

The Manor accepts most major Childcare Vouchers and is also registered for the Tax-Free Childcare scheme.  Information regarding how these may be used can be found on the following document.

School Fees Refund Scheme

For information regarding the School Fees Refund Scheme please download the documents below.

All pupils are automatically included in the Personal Accident Scheme and this cost is included within the tuition fees.

If you wish your child to be included in the School Fees Refund Scheme, please complete the appropriate application form and return to the Bursary. The cost will be added to the school account each term.

Please read the leaflets carefully to ensure you understand the benefits that these schemes provide, and if applicable advise the companies of any existing medical conditions.


The Manor offers the following insurance scheme

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